Monday, November 30, 2009

blown away

5.25" x 17.25" oil on blended wood panel | sold

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend. A wonderful time for all of us to count our blessings.

The layout of this piece was influenced by the proportions of the golden section, a harmonious ratio found throughout nature, the human body, art, music, architecture, etc.

I included this detail shot as I have been asked about my "blended wood panels".

This piece and others will be featured at the Pulling Together Art Benefit at Sol'stice Garden Expressions, proceeds help to restock the shelves of our community food bank, Helping Hands.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

amazing Grace

20" x 40" graphite, charcoal and acrylic on wood panel | nfs

Gracie Jones: matriarch of the herd, studio dog, medicine mama and confidante. She's one of my favorite models as she has a gift for holding a pose...she naps...a lot.
My preference for capturing the true character of the subject is through the sketch portrait with the graphite underlay drawing exposed as an integral part of the finished work.
* FYI Don't miss Beverly and Billy Ray Mangham's Umpteenth Home Show 27/28/29 November at Sleeping Dog Studio in San Marcos, TX. For a map and more information:

Thursday, November 19, 2009


8" x 10" pastel on paper

Ava, my 2 1/2 yr old granddaughter and aspiring artist, took a look at this sketch and told me she wanted to play with the doggie's ball.
The ultimate compliment.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

you make me happy when skies are grey

6" x 16" x 1" oil on blended wood panel | sold

Once a tonal study from a previous post, this composition took on a life of it's own, blossoming into a 3d construct. I'll try to shoot another angle to better illustrate this in future entries.
My talented muse.