10.5" x 14" x 5" spalted pecan with vintage Hamilton printer cabinet pulls sold
My friends, Judy and Molly of Float Press, are proud owners of a letterpress, Esther, and are quite talented at designing and printing broadsides (a poem with a graphic, usually 8" x 10").
They asked if I would design and build a box for their broadsides for the upcoming Poetry at Round Top festival. Of course, how could I refuse, right? Oh, the possibilities! The design was pretty straight forward, but soon into the process I realized I was in way over my head as my shop (or my skill set) is not equipped with the precisioned tools necessary for this build.
Had it not been for the help and encourgement from the very talented Rob Eberle of Wildwood in Henly and the extraordinary Woodcraft team in Austin at Burnet and 183, this box would have been throttled out to pasture.
: )
My friends, Judy and Molly of Float Press, are proud owners of a letterpress, Esther, and are quite talented at designing and printing broadsides (a poem with a graphic, usually 8" x 10").
They asked if I would design and build a box for their broadsides for the upcoming Poetry at Round Top festival. Of course, how could I refuse, right? Oh, the possibilities! The design was pretty straight forward, but soon into the process I realized I was in way over my head as my shop (or my skill set) is not equipped with the precisioned tools necessary for this build.
Had it not been for the help and encourgement from the very talented Rob Eberle of Wildwood in Henly and the extraordinary Woodcraft team in Austin at Burnet and 183, this box would have been throttled out to pasture.
: )